Subject: algebraic K-theory
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Second Annoucement: K-theory Satellite, ICM2018; registration and funding application now available.
Chronological Thread
- From: Guillermo Cortiñas <gcorti@dm.uba.ar>
- To: k-theory@lists.illinois.edu
- Subject: Second Annoucement: K-theory Satellite, ICM2018; registration and funding application now available.
- Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 16:48:26 -0300
- Authentication-results: illinois.edu; spf=pass smtp.mailfrom=gcorti@dm.uba.ar
This is the Second Announcement of the K-theory conference to be held in La Plata and Buenos Aires, from July 16 to July 27, 2018. Registration
and funding application are now available through our webpage:
For more information, including important deadlines, see below and visit the webpage above. Please forward any inquiries to the conference email address:
** K-Theory Conference, Argentina 2018 **
Oficial ICM Satellite Event
We are glad to announce the K-Theory Conference to be held in Argentina
in July 2018. It will be a 2 week event, consisting of a School followed
by a Workshop. The school will take place in the University of La Plata,
from July 16 to July 20, and the workshop in the University of Buenos
Aires, from July 23 to July 27. The courses in the school will be targeted to advanced diploma students, graduate students and postdocs. The whole event has been accepted as an oficial ICM2018 Satellite.
The following people have agreed to give courses at the School:
* Arthur Bartels, Münster, Alemania.
* Inna Zakharevich, Cornell, Estados Unidos.
* Andreas Thom, Dresden, Alemania.
* Gonçalo Tabuada, MIT, Estados Unidos.
* Beatriz Abadie, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
The following people have agreed to give talk at the Workshop:
Joseph Ayoub (Zürich)
Paul Balmer (UCLA)
Noé Bárcenas (UNAM, Morelia)
Paul Bressler (UniAndes, Bogotá)
Ulrich Bunke (Regensburg)
Alcides Buss (UFSC, Florianopolis)
Alexander Gorokhovsky (CU Boulder)
Christian Haesemeyer (Melbourne)
Lars Hesselholt (Copenhagen-Nagoya)
Daniel Juan Pineda (UNAM, Morelia)
Moritz Kerz (Regensburg)
Amalendu Krishna (Tata Inst., Mumbai)
Marc Levine (Essen)
Ralf Meyer (Göttingen)
Jinhyun Park (KAIST, Daejeon)
Pablo Peláez (UNAM, Mexico DF)
Charanya Ravi (Oslo)
Birgit Richter (Hamburg)
Tomohide Terasoma (Tokyo)
Severino Toscano (USP, São Paulo)
Mark E. Walker (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Kirsten Wickelgren (Georgia Tech)
Rufus Willett (Hawai’i)
Scientific Committee:
Amnon Neeman (ANU, Canberra)
Holger Reich (Freie U. Berlin)
Jonathan Rosenberg (U. Maryland)
Chuck Weibel (Rutgers)
Inna Zakharevich (Cornell)
Online registration is now available at our website
Where you can also find update information about the event.
For registration: 30th April, 2018
To apply for financial support: 31st March, 2018.
With best regards,
the organizing committee.
Guillermo Cortiñas
Gisela Tartaglia
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- Second Annoucement: K-theory Satellite, ICM2018; registration and funding application now available., Guillermo Cortiñas, 12/23/2017
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